Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thankful to Be Closer to Throwing 2009 Over the Cliff!

Haven’t been here in quite a little while. Autumn has raced nearly away. Here we find ourselves already at Advent, which I used to usher in as part of a choir that did a proper Lessons and Carols (and a proper Sherry a few weeks later to listen to the tapes and drink, well, lots of sherry). There’s been no advent wreath on my table for quite some time, but I still look forward to the change of season and the music that comes with it. We even woke up to a bit of snow on Friday morning after Thanksgiving, which was perfectly seasonal.

I am going to be glad to say goodbye to 2009. With all the good there’s been an equal amount of trouble of one kind or another, and in some cases not so much trouble as constant motion. But as the year winds down there are mostly good things in view. Work looks to be generous and all for us; earlier in the fall, the firm we joined last year left me for dead and my boss with an ultimatum to move to a smaller office and he emphatically declined. The relief we all felt at being loose of that ball and chain can hardly be described. Even my kids were thrilled. And I am too, as I love to be gainfully busy.

At the same time it’s been a really wonderful year for my children, who extended their horizons a bit and enjoyed a few new pursuits. Whatever else is going on in the world or in my life, my only real concern is that they are happy, healthy, and growing inside and out. So far, other than a few speed bumps, so good.

We just celebrated our Second Annual Pajama Thanksgiving. It’s the one day out of the year when the kids and I just stop everything and hang out together. Sure, I do a lot of cooking, but everybody helps. That leaves more time for games, talking, watching a movie, whatever we feel like doing. And we generally do it in our pajamas. It's the perfect way to ring in the holidays, and even better knowing we'll still be stuffed and fast asleep when the crazies get up to shop at 2 a.m.

Those are golden moments, and moments like now when I’m sitting in my quiet house writing and listening to Alice’s Restaurant. I can’t remember the last time I heard this, but it’s a pretty wonderful romp. Better with a slice of leftover pumpkin pie and a little wine, perhaps. So grab yourself some leftovers of your favorite kind, too, and welcome in the holidays with a bit of this Guthrie classic.

Anyone for pie?


At November 29, 2009 10:59 PM, Blogger Blueberry said...

It's been a hell of a year.

At November 29, 2009 11:24 PM, Blogger Shameless Agitator said...

Some years just strip you down and force you to remember what is important. Hopefully we can welcome 2010 together?

At November 30, 2009 7:19 AM, Blogger Mando Mama said...

Indeedy it has, Blue. I am so excited to further the end of the year with The Greencards this Friday night at the Stage. I will so wish you were with us. :-/

For sure, Shameless, I've been trimmed down by this year. Whew. I hope it works out to usher in 2010 the way we've done so many good years in the past.

I'm not trying to throw out the baby with the bathwater. 2009 wasn't all bad. One of my best friends got married AND pregnant and moved away to start a new life. The kids really are doing terrifically, and I had some wonderful experiences as well, especially professionally. But overall I think we're all ready to put it in the can.

Thanks for reading...


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