Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday at Last....Hello California

No, I'm not going to California.

I've been there, all week on the phone, talking to people from LA to San Fran and 100 little towns in between. Finally, I think we're getting somewhere.

A few minutes ago I was just chillin' and listening to and heard a different Joni Mitchell favorite, and remembered this one.

So I'm sending it out to all those people I've talked to who have been charming, frank, helpful, marvelous, soul friendly, snarky, direct, thoughtful, and generous to give their time and thoughts.

Thanks, California.


At July 28, 2007 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got back from the Dayton Celtic fest. Got to hang with with Matt and Shannon Heaton. It was Shannon's birthday.22 ...I think she said.

Also got to see Laura Cortese and her new band. WONDERFUL.

Next week -chemo starts.


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