Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hang in Here, There, and Everywhere, Butch

I learned today that mando master Butch Baldassari is stricken with an inoperable brain tumor. Radiation and chemo started this week, with the hope of beating it back.

When I'm ready really to work on something, I pull out my Butch Baldassari cd or dvd, and my mando, and settle in for about an hour of blister-producing practicing. I even have the recording on my iPod. In the tradition of the best, he's not just a stellar player, but believes in really teaching others to master the instrument a little at a time.

Please keep Butch in your thoughts. Despite his long list of contributions we believe there's more to come. If the Cavs can make it to the NBA finals, nothing is impossible.

Check out the Nashville Mandolin Ensemble doing some of your favorite Beatles tunes here.


At June 08, 2007 10:58 PM, Blogger Blueberry said...

I sure hate to hear of someone stricken with something like that, especially a musician -- not that musicians are superior to any other critter -- but what they produce in life is a very positive thing for the world... unlike most of us regular folks who produce things that are ethically iffy at best, whether it be automobiles or government.

At June 09, 2007 4:31 PM, Blogger Mando Mama said...

It is very sad, Blueberry. It's a weird thing to imagine suddenly not being able to do things we take for granted. And I suppose if I got very sick I would still be able to do my work. But what is happening to Butch might be comparable to Beethoven losing his hearing -- and even then, he was still able to compose. I hope he has lots of support from family and friends and that they'll help him find a way to make mandolade out of this terrible twist.


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