Monday, March 06, 2006

10-Second Post: I Love You, Friends

At the end of a fairly stressful day -- though no more stressful than the day of any average single mom -- it felt good to fall into a conversation with a good friend. When I hung up, I felt refreshed, cared for, and less frantic and overwhelmed by the day's furious pace, and the evening's tight agenda of homework and work-related tasks, and already planning for next year's academic and afterschool priorities. Parenting is tough work, whether you fly solo or have a great co-pilot. Fortunately, when I'm circling the landing field, I have good friends to bring me safely back to the hangar.

This has been one of my songs for about three years. Having spent some time in the last week both with old friends and a few new ones, I realize it's so important to nurture the connections that brought us together in the first place. Sometimes those meetings were intentional, sometimes not. Friendship is a very fragile thing. I have lost friends I thought would never fade out of the picture. I've tried to extend friendship but learned the other person has to want it. Right now I just want to send this song out to some really good friends, some new and some not at all new, for wrapping me up in love and hope and a little humor when I need it. And a special thanks to the wonderful new friendships that are forming out of this blog; it's cool knowing that somewhere under the big sky, we're all in this crazy life together, and maybe someday we'll sit and have a beer and laugh about it!

Old Friend (by the indefatiguable Laurie Lewis)

Old friend, you just grow dearer, the lines grow deeper,the paths grow clearer

I recall your every look, each of them an open book
And though long miles may separate us my love for you endures
With warm regard and in fond affection, I am truly yours

Old friend, we've seen so much together, stormy days and windy weather
And like a cloak against the cold I wrap myself in friendship's folds

And though long miles may separate us, my love for you endures
With warm regard and in fond affection, I am truly yours

Old friends like warp and woof entwine, each crossing defining the design
And though in places frayed and worn, the fabric remains untorn

And though long miles may separate us, my love for you endures
With warm regard and in fond affection, I am truly yours


At March 07, 2006 7:38 PM, Blogger Darkneuro said...

This is a GREAT song, MM... You need to put your feet up ;)

At March 07, 2006 9:44 PM, Blogger Mando Mama said...

You're right, damn it! Oh! I mean, gosh darn it.

Laurie Lewis is an affable familiar for you, Neuro. She's got such strength and spirit, much like yo'self, and calls critters in to play in most of her songs. Hope you have a little Laurie for your long drive east (in what...28 days? 25?)!!!

At March 08, 2006 10:36 AM, Blogger kcterrilynn said...

Great song and perfect for my mood since I'm missing my best friend (who lives in Denver) so much today.

At March 09, 2006 8:21 AM, Blogger Mando Mama said...

Hey, KC! Yeah, it's a great song. It always makes me feel better about not being with the favorite people in my life. Hope you get to see your friend soon.


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